The wood oven is built based on refractory materials, with great calorific power and resistant to temperature changes. Thanks to this, they are ideal both for placing in the inside as in the abroad.
In addition, this type of oven has numerous advantages when cooking food. For this reason, today Farjas ovens, we want to tell you all the details about wood ovens.
The wood oven It is an ancestral device built, as we have said before, from refractory materials that, thanks to its Resistance to temperature changes allows it to be used both outdoors and indoors.
It is a cooking tool It works in the same way as a conventional oven. The only difference lies in the source from which the heat is obtained, which in wood-fired ovens comes from burning wood.
Types of wood oven
Although there are numerous models and styles of wood ovens, they can be classified into two large groups or typologies:
direct wood oven
The wood-fired ovens classified within this category are those that have a single cooking and combustion chamber, so it contains the embers inside.
This type of oven usually places the embers on one of its sides, in such a way that the food was cooked right next to it, in the same compartment.
indirect wood oven
Unlike direct ovens, indirect wood ovens They have a cooking chamber and a combustion chamber independent from each other.
These are ovens with great capacity, so they are prepared to support a greater amount of work, being able to prepare many products in the same print run. It is because of this characteristic that they are Widely used in bakeries and pastry shops.
Why cook in a wood oven?
Cooking your food in a wood oven will be a different experience that will give your meals a special flavor. concretely we can summarize why cook in a wood oven in five points:
- uniform cooking. Thanks to the characteristic hemispherical shape of wood-fired ovens, food is cooked uniformly, so it cooks evenly. This allows them to preserve their textures and properties.
- aromas. One of the advantages of cooking in a wood-fired oven is that the wood used for combustion will give your meals nuances of different aromas, giving them a different touch.
- Unique experience. Not only are there many advantages, but cooking your food in a wood oven will be a unique and fascinating experience. In addition, your recipes will not leave any of your guests indifferent.
Advantages of wood ovens
As we have commented at the beginning of this post, wood-fired ovens offer numerous advantages. From Farjas ovens We want to tell you about some of the most important when working with them.
Energy saving
The wood fired ovens They are built from refractory materials that retain heat for hours, in such a way that they allow a higher performance of the resources. In addition, the material used for combustion is more economic than others such as gas or electricity.
less dirt
As we have explained previously, these types of ovens use their own soil for cooking food, in such a way that you will not need racks or containers to cook them. Thus, allows less dirt than other ovens.
Reduces C02 pollution
These types of ovens are also beneficial for the environmental impact, since they allow reduce C02 pollution. In addition, it can be used outdoors, allowing cleaner air without pollution.
Cooking your food in a wood oven will allow you to do it with less fat, so your meals will be healthier.
In addition, as we have previously mentioned, the wood-fired oven will give your meals a unique flavor and texture, and the food will be much juicier. What are you waiting to try it?
As you can see, there are many advantages that a wood oven can offer you when cooking. If you like more information about this type of ovens you can consult our website. You can also put yourself in contact us. In Farjas ovens We advise you to choose the best oven for your business.