If you have a wood oven or are thinking of installing one in your business or for daily use, this article is for you. Since Farjas ovens, we have prepared this post for you to know a wide variety of accessories that you can include and will be very useful in your day-to-day with your wood-fired oven, keep reading about it!
Most people know or could know little notions about what a wood-fired oven is, but in case you have doubts or miss any information, we are going to detail some of its characteristics below so that you know more.
What is a wood oven?
The wood oven it is a cooking tool just like other types of ovens. However, this is made of refractory materials that make it able to resist very high temperatures. In this way, it can accumulate heat and distribute it for a long time.
The main difference of this type of oven with respect to others is the fuel. While conventional ovens work through electricity or gas, wood ovens have gas, as its name suggests, to the firewood.
So the temperature of the oven will depend on the firewood that we burn inside.
In addition, the shape of its structure, which has a semi-spherical shape, will guarantee us uniform cooking of the food since the heat will be distributed evenly throughout the interior thanks to its structure and characteristics of the materials.
And finally, another key aspect that we must mention is that the wood oven gives a touch, nuance or flavor different from the food. This is because the firewood transmits aromas that are impregnated in the food and with this we obtain a better flavor.
essential accessories
Next, we are going to offer you some functional accessories to incorporate into your day-to-day life and get the most out of your wood-fired oven.
First of all, we can talk about the blades for wood oven. There is a wide variety of these depending on what it is intended for: to move food, handle containers (pots, pans...), to clean ashes or firewood. And also, we can choose the material with which the shovel is made.
It is also interesting to include a fireplace to improve the operation of the oven and allow smoke to escape from it.
On the other hand, we must talk about the wood oven doors, these serve to help us regulate and conserve the heat inside the oven, thus we will achieve a good cooking thanks to reaching the correct temperature. There are different types of doors depending on what you need: doors that can be removed and put on, others with an anti-smoke system, among others.
The refractory screens They are also key to protecting the food from direct fire. With it you can achieve a more uniform cooking and it is usually used especially for roasted foods and bread or pastry recipes.
In addition, of all these accessories we cannot forget the containers that we need to cook our food. At Hornos Farjas, we recommend that you use pots, pans and earthenware containers of the shape and size that best suits your meals and to be able to make them in these since they withstand high temperatures.
And, finally, for our protection when we are cooking in an oven of this nature, it is very important that we incorporate gloves to protect ourselves from high temperatures and not burn ourselves since we are going to handle tools with great heat and we can injure ourselves.
If you have any questions or want to know more information about wood-burning ovens and their accessories, Do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be happy to help you and resolve your concerns.
In Farjas ovens we are a company with almost 100 years of experience in the industry of manufacture and production of industrial ovens for bakery and pastry businesses.
Thanks to our long professional career, we have been able to combine the traditional style with new techniques and technologies to offer you a better product.
If you are interested, you can contact us by calling 976 410 000.